Thanks for your feedback! Thank Psingery, TexBritta! My IQ is only high enough to recognize a real queen like her, but not high enough to understand everything that she does and says. Would love if Malone responded, of course! He is not Santa Clause. I am. ;-) What do you wish for more than anything else in the world, TexBritta?
That the vaxxed injured are medically helped with repurposed drugs, recognized, compensated and vindicated, and that all involved of genocide be executed for the world to see. That is what I want.
Santa Claus answers your wishes, TexBritta, and wishes do often come true. It might just take some time.
The first wish is based on loving kindness, and is very possible and easy in theory. It only takes a majority of awesome people, like yourself, coming together, and cooperating for health financed through taxes and/or tariffs.
In the USA, today, I guess that could happen very fast through tariffs. Trump and RFK JR might be able to make this happens together with other awesome people.
But if there is a setback, then a new organization must be created well before the next election, a big rainbow coalition, of the awesome people, by the awesome people, for the awesome people!
The second wish, against the people behind genocide and democide, I feel is based on wrath, and is a deadly sin, but believe me I can feel that too. If I started to act on wrath, it could quickly become a carnage of the guilty, and they seem to be many. I feel I am lucky to be in control, and probably able to stop satanic impulses.
Considering that evil people today can be mind controlled "Project MK Ultra" style times 1000, and you and me too, I bet many who do evil things might be mind controlled into doing them, so I guess other ways with good conditions might be better, even if people look legally guilty and even admit, this also in order to make the elites more willing to agree on blowing the whistle on others, admitting their own crimes, and doing more good in their lives than bad, repenting, baptizing and saving their souls.
Remember also, the one without sin cast the first stone! I suggest you focus all your energy on your first holy wish, but if not, then the second wish may also come true, but then there might be very bad consequences, like the elites doubling down, creating an open war on us with autonomous drones and cyborg injections of bio cyber interfaces for total control. It could end like the movie Terminator combined with the Borg in Star Trek. I would not like it to end like that.
Sabrina. You’re the best. Go Badgers !!
Dang, what an interesting and intriguing video. Wow, in your face MALONE! 👏👏
Thanks for your feedback! Thank Psingery, TexBritta! My IQ is only high enough to recognize a real queen like her, but not high enough to understand everything that she does and says. Would love if Malone responded, of course! He is not Santa Clause. I am. ;-) What do you wish for more than anything else in the world, TexBritta?
That the vaxxed injured are medically helped with repurposed drugs, recognized, compensated and vindicated, and that all involved of genocide be executed for the world to see. That is what I want.
Santa Claus answers your wishes, TexBritta, and wishes do often come true. It might just take some time.
The first wish is based on loving kindness, and is very possible and easy in theory. It only takes a majority of awesome people, like yourself, coming together, and cooperating for health financed through taxes and/or tariffs.
In the USA, today, I guess that could happen very fast through tariffs. Trump and RFK JR might be able to make this happens together with other awesome people.
But if there is a setback, then a new organization must be created well before the next election, a big rainbow coalition, of the awesome people, by the awesome people, for the awesome people!
The second wish, against the people behind genocide and democide, I feel is based on wrath, and is a deadly sin, but believe me I can feel that too. If I started to act on wrath, it could quickly become a carnage of the guilty, and they seem to be many. I feel I am lucky to be in control, and probably able to stop satanic impulses.
Considering that evil people today can be mind controlled "Project MK Ultra" style times 1000, and you and me too, I bet many who do evil things might be mind controlled into doing them, so I guess other ways with good conditions might be better, even if people look legally guilty and even admit, this also in order to make the elites more willing to agree on blowing the whistle on others, admitting their own crimes, and doing more good in their lives than bad, repenting, baptizing and saving their souls.
Remember also, the one without sin cast the first stone! I suggest you focus all your energy on your first holy wish, but if not, then the second wish may also come true, but then there might be very bad consequences, like the elites doubling down, creating an open war on us with autonomous drones and cyborg injections of bio cyber interfaces for total control. It could end like the movie Terminator combined with the Borg in Star Trek. I would not like it to end like that.
Meditate on your wishes!