Mama Bear & Network Technician Sabrina Wallace 'Psinergy' about modern illegal MKUltra

... Is there anybody out there? ...

The video of Sabrina comes from However I do not know how long Odysee will remain a great platform…

This Real Mama Bear and Real Network Technician is brave and willing to expose the illegal modern Project MKUltra. Actually, it is stupidly brave, at this point, not to expose it, not to organize, and not to stop it, in my opinion, but I guess sheeple cannot see it?

It is a bit like when a farmer is killing sheep in front of the other sheep, and still they do not fear him, but trust him, and do nothing, just waiting in turn.

The higher awareness, I call God, tells me that you all Americans should make Sabrina the Queen of the USA, as soon as possible!

Yes “Queen”, because “president” obviously will not do, in a retarded oligarchy stopping her in Congress, or blocking her inside the illegal three letter agencies...

Sabrina has done her research, and why should you do YOUR own research? - Well, listen to Jimmy Dore about doing your own research!

Just one more thing before doing your own research:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
/Richard Horton (Source: A comment ”offline” in The Lancet: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?)

So it is not easy to know what is real evidence… One must also be motivated, and able, to tell evident truth from evident lies. Not easy.

Lissa helped us tremendously to see the challenge to see the truth:

In order to be more true, I also listed known lies here (in Swedish):

Is it true that "only" the "kids" can prevent Smart Cities, as Sabrina says? - I am not sure.

“Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” - The Kids of course, as Jesus explained, but can they solve this alone?

Should we not try to be as the Kids and help everybody with a happy loving attitude? - Of course we should!

Should we help and forgive the sinners, who feel shameful, too? - Of course we should!

Should we tell the sinners to sin no more, and to cast no stones at any sinners! - Of course we should!

The reason for this sinning, against humanity, could actually be that ever since the s.c. end of "Project MKUltra", there have been many sins happening anyway, treason against the people of every state and every nation, and crimes against humanity, but also people themselves being greedy and voting like sheeple, not wanting to make things great for all, and willingly believing in known sinners.

So, the sinners might be very afraid of the truth, at this point, and that is why we must be willing to forgive them, because they did not know what they were doing, or fell for one of all the sins that exist, and who never did?

And so we want them to come forward and tell the truth, and we do want to forgive them, not hang them! - I promise! I hope the ones admitting their sins will be treated extremely well by us, encouraging even more of them to step forward, and eventually heal all of it forever!

And who knows who really wanted something, or did something, out of their own free will, at this point?

"Humans are hackable animals", remember, straight out of the mouth of the horse at World Economic Forum! Is Project MKUltra times 100 already active? That would explain all the stupidity we have seen in the last decades, not to mention people having MAC addresses.

So we think we know something, but I am not so sure, and what comes after?