Brave, & a clearly, very intelligent lady, because the freaks kill for less.

Appreciate the share.

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I agree. However, once you meet Yehoshuah and Yehovah, in meditation and feel their energy, there is no more fear of death, only the compassion to do the right thing.

The freaks do not know what they do and live in hell on this earth all their lives, and will probably go to Gehenna, in the afterlife too. Or imagine if they actually will live forever as cyborgs without a soul! Poor bastards. Then death looks very attractive.

Btw. Moonshine is a bad culture, Mr Jones! Meditation is a way out. Ask Yehovah for the answers on why you do it, wait in silence, and he will liberate you! Liberate yourself gradually! Do not quit too fast, or you might not live to do more good!

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Thank you for sharing this post, & i agree. i make sure i tune into the divine frequency everyday, which i believe is alpha brain wave. Yes i agree physical death as a " real " human will be cookie dough compared to a bleak, dystopian, transhumanist future.

I don't have a name for the nameless divine, because i don't trust the etymology of Yah, the people who have added to, taken away, & placed themselves at the centre of the narrative & believe they alone are the people of God. I feel organised religion today, for the most part is deceptive, corrupt, & takes our personal connection away from us, i need no Priest, Imam, or Rabbi, to educate me on God, divinity, this world or myself, but i do understand there's many good people doing good under the banner of controlled religions. I have some great books on this & Archaix youtube channel has some excellent research about the stories from the old testament before the Bible was brought together, fascinating.

I look forward to leaving this place when my time is up, still much to learn, folks to help, & folks to learn from, i have no fear of it, doesn't mean i don't have fear, but i will overcome the fear, regardless, what remains is my true self, as ordained.

You're very right about words, the English language is very deceptive, has very occult leanings to. Moonshine is unfortunately my name lol, but you're 100% right its a negative frequency, maybe that's 1 of the reasons ive had a tough life lol, as well as being completely material, years ago now im not walking through this construct on automatic today, trying to fill a void. Took me until 40 before awakening.

I love meditation, took me a long time to get the hang of it, found it hard for a while. I especially love flow state meditation, i didn't know for a while of the different ways to connect with our fathers frequencies.

Ive been amazed at the help ive gotten the more ive kept refining myself, doing the shadow work, & being thankful & humble. Ive noticed my intuition has gotten stronger as time has past, while remaining in a high frequency, true bliss for me after years of depression, addiction, street life, & confusion.

Sorry i typed so much out lol, but wanted to answer correctly. Have a beautiful day brother, look forward to following your posts, & you enlightening me .

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Is CenPRA supra actually Semper Supra? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semper_Supra_(march)

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No idea. I hear an "r" before the "a".

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Makes all our surface concerns irrelevant, eh?

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Do I have such irrelevant shallowness?

I will continue to breathe deeply, often! I'll talk to Yehovah [God] more! And, I'll try to be nice to all, even if all do not deserve it... yet!

Furthermore, I promise to eat as natural as possible! I'll cut down on all wireless stuff too, even more! Maybe I'll even put Faraday's cages around that switch and the router?

I'll continue to use GNU+Linux and open free software! I will continue to promote broad serious election coalition, for the people, by the people, through the people!

Likewise, I will continue to be both open and skeptical. I promise.

What about you?

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thanks.....all that yes, learning Linux for a new laptop I bought. I just mean, they keep 'warning us' we WILL get a chip installed, and the point is, many of us ALREADY have a 'chip installed' so to speak, are being harvested and effed with already. Opting out may or may not be an option, but yes, I will do much to avoid. Already no cell phone. That video is quite something, thanks for reposting. And this whole internet made by the gov, controlled by the gov. This much is quite obvious; we are cats being kept busy with the string game, is all I meant. Your fear of irrelevant shallowness is entirely your own.

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Fear is illogical. ;-)

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