Ola Tunander & Pascal Lottaz - How USA, UK & High ranking Swedish military committed treason against their own populations and their allies in NATO

Change of heart before the People's Courts or Pearly gates, anyone?

Ola Tunander is giving a disturbing story, concerning an enormeus treason against us all, only because of greedy fearmongering and warmongering, of corrupt military leadership in cahoots with oligarchs, against The Soviet Union, and today against Russia.

If the current politicians are too short-term greedy to stop it, then AWESOME PEOPLE WITH CHARACTER MUST HELP ME organize in a broad political Rainbow Coalition for peace, for your own country! Support it! Join it! Vote for it!

If you do not, you become complicit in what might come next, and the next might be the very end of civilization on this planet, through nukes and/or even AI combined with nanotechnology…

However, calling this behavior “civilized”, might be an exaggeration, or not? - I call it “madness”. What do you call it? - Hammer away on your keyboard!