Elsa Widding is a Swedish Member of Parliament, a fantastic woman, not only good-looking, but also a beautiful person. Caring, scientifically curious, engaged, hard working, and with high morals.
The father of her children died of "turbo cancer".
I have talked about the new phenonomen of "turbo cancer" with three medical doctors, two oncologists Dr Ute Krüger and Dr William Makis, and also with Dr Glenn Dormer, and they all strongly suspect the Covid-19 injections as the culprit.
Elsa Widding claims Supranational organizations
have taken over Sweden, and I believe that can be true.
EU, WHO, UN and WEF seem to be controlled by large corporations and oligarchs.
I would not like to call this regular national fascism, but global fascism, or global oligarchy.
The sheeple have voted for it for decades, because the people speaking up against it have been shadowbanned and silenced by corporate media for decades, including on platforms like the PooTube, that Elsa is still using.
Some say they have had enough, also Widding, but IF they really mean that, you will all soon drag all good people into good media, good platforms and good political activity!
If it is true, that you all had enough now, then why don't you join a political party for real democracy, like the Scientific party?
Or when will you be motivated to join us through The Rainbow Coalition, as an independent?
In our election coalition We strive for peace, health, justice, and a real democracy with initiative rights and decisive referendums, like in Switzerland, the most democratic nation in Europe.
People often tell me they do not want to be surveilled, traced and censored, but are they consequent?
They often do use platforms listed as "bad" by Richard Stallman.
They are consequently being surveilled, censored, feeling forced to distort their own speech, or get their wallets frozen or become thrown out, if they do not comply with the agenda they all critizise.
You, Elsa, just uploaded this video on YouTube. Did you not?
Come over with me to Odysee and meet "Miss Information"!
(When creating my video, unfortunately Odysee came with a bad message… https://odysee.com/@Odysee:8/newmonetizationmodel:6 so now I will look for better platforms.)
And how many who do not want to be surveilled actually use cash when shopping, to stop that surveillance?
And how many shops stopped surveilling their costumers, stopped forcing them to register in order to get discounts?
Are there any decent shops left, at all?
- I have not seen any in my vicinity.
And who listened to Docent Olle Johansson and stopped using things radiating electromagnetic frequences, like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and Blue Tooth?
- I have removed most of it, in different ways.
Who warned people actively about the "bio-digital convergence" and the "Agenda 2030", turning people into cyborgs through nanotechnology and 6G Body Area Network, and connecting them with their s.c. "smart phones".
- Three people in Sweden, warned you, and only one of them is still talking about it, instead of less important bullshit. Me.
How many warned about the "Covid-19 democide"?
- Very few, AND they have still not joined a broad political rainbow coalition. They lack a spine, Elsa!
Who protested actively against the warmongers and the genocidal politicians?
- A fraction of the population.
- 100% good behaviour is very rare, Elsa, but we can increase our good behaviour, step by step together, in solidarity! I can help you, your sons to raise your level, and your friends level!
It is not true that politicians have overstepped their mandates, Elsa. People have given them mandate for decades, and people plan to do it again.
The sheeple actually tell me they do not believe in election coalition, because we are too few, a very stupid unscientific fallacy, from the sheeple, proved wrong again and again by simple logic and nature itself, with landslides and a small seed growing to become a big tree.
Sheeple flock mentallity rule their minds.
Also it is not true, Elsa, that there have been no parties against EU and NATO to vote for, but people have voted for more of EU and more of NATO for decades.
I have looked for it, Elsa, but I'm not sure if there is any spine in the Swedish people, but we will see!
However, I suggest we talk, you and me, and come up with compassionate solutions that we all can believe in, and unite around!
Sweden can still be recognized. That is true for many, Elsa, even if there are many who do not like the changes and have been forecd by the rest to accept them:
High unemployment
Massive immigration
Increased inequality
Higher murder frequency
It has been a horror for many of us, but seldom as much horror as for the Children in Gaza, who people are going to vote for again, the next election, namely the Nazi-Zionist right-wingers and The Sweden Democrats, who are in majority.
I believe I am one of the few who have understood the most important thing about "Agenda 2030" and the "bio-digital convergence", through Psinergy and Nonvaxer420 on Rumble. Well worth a long visit, Elsa!
I do however agree totally, that we are on the wrong path, Elsa!
But I do believe the spinless sheeple did give up their freedom volountarily for decades, and never tried to grow a spine. That is the evident truth.
At most they will complain anonomously, or say something like "Damn it, now I had enough", but then nothing really happens, and go elect the same shit again and again, so they are spineless.
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices”, as George Orwell once said.
It is not completely silent, Elsa, because we are not silent. We are many who are not silent, however that is not enough!
We must unite in a good way, and that is why I recommend a big broad rainbow coalition in every nation!
The buzzwords "freedom" and "liberal" are important to ponder about!
"Liberal" implies freedom. Freedom can also mean freedom from things, like a child's freedom from sexualization, freedom from grooming by a gay man dressed as a whore, and freedom from satanic child rape. Different kinds of freedom must be reasonably balanced, and some do not go well together at all. The satanic freedom of the elite is incompatible with most religions.
I am afraid you are correct, Elsa, that all 8 parties over the 4% limit now are pro EU. Very sad, but also a great opportunity for us who want to challenge them.
Many nationalists must be very disappointed with the Swedish Democrats now. I knew they would sway to the right, being started by right-wingers, but even I could not, in my wildest dreams, imagine leftists, environmentalists or nationalists going globalist, in the pockets of Nazi-Zionist oligarchs. That is totally insane.
It looks like political suicide to me.
It is so stupid I wonder if they are being controlled by remote, through modern MK Ultra mind control. Could they have been "bio-digitally converted" into cyborgs, as many technical documents and symposiums suggest is possible?
It is very strange, that they swallow everything, indeed, Elsa. Your questions as an MP are fantastic. Are you the only one who was not cyborged in government?
A Russian submarine might send a missile soon and end Swedish government soon. I just hope that you, and your sons, and two people in "Skärholmen 4 Bredäng Ö" are far away from the sheeple of Stockholm, when that happens, because we need some good people to rebuild Sweden, after the Sheeple are gone!
I am not sure the majority of countries should be looked down upon as dictatorships, but maybe kingdoms and oligarchies, including Sweden.
A good Real King, serving his people, could actually be better than a retarded satanic oligarchy, especially if they actually believe they have "democracy".
The Scientific party of Sweden offered all the sheeple of Sweden a real democracy, like the Swiss one.
Clearly, not many people wanted real democracy.
If oligarch media are silent and offer no real debates, I can understand that, but when Swedish state media are not motivated to question and make debates happen, that must simply be criminal.
Unfaithfulness towards paying customer?
The truth is that only about 21% of the Swedish people voted for less migration in 2022, and they got massmurder through democide and genocide as a "bonus".
So basically 79% of Sweden voted for more immigration, and bizarre parades in pride, with s.c. "open hearts" and closed brains.
It seems like the Swedish people are going to vote for those WEF:ers in 2026, if we are not motivated to do something, intelligent, positive and constructive about it, Elsa!
If we look at reality, the elites are actually correct in the sustainability issue.
Population matters, as well as what we do as individuals, and what culture we decide to have.
However, I believe you are correct, Elsa. CO2 is NOT the problem, but could actually be beneficial for all of us, also for nature. NOx and SOx, and other pollutants are problems caused by globalism.
I will never comply to become a cyborg. I will see it as attempted murder and defend myself, and possibly also defend others, who deserve being defended!
Deserve it, Elsa, and I will try my best to protect you and your sons!
If everybody who understands chicken out, Elsa, we will all be victims together.
To volounteer as a victim is however not "chicken", but extremely stupid and actually very very brave.
In the logic of climate propaganda, then CO2 is the problem, so I guess people releasing most CO2 would be the first ones to be injected with lethal "bio-digital convergent" injections, right?
I guess, that would be people flying private jets, like most WEF:ers.
Most of these WEF:ers should inject, and go to the next holographic reality!
Maybe Heaven or Hell?
After the C19 plandemic, one must be very naive and ignorant, if one do not believe something criminal must be behind the disaster, so who cares what a naive, ignorant Pehrson believes?
Instead, Elsa, let me cheer you up with some great memes about "conspiracies" "conspiracy theories" and "conspiracy theorists"!
To me Mr Phersson looks very nervous. He looks very afraid, as if someone threatened him.
Mr Phersson could possibly be compromized in some way, or maybe MK Ultra mind controlled? Have pity for him, Elsa! Be kind!
Of course, regular Swedish stupidity can never be ruled out. Most are sheeple, and have been for a very long time.
A compromized, bribed, stupid or mind controlled Mr Phersson might do seemingly stupid things.
Yes. Elsa. I totally agree with you. No need to focus on climate when nuclear war and the "bio-digital" AI-cyborg "convergence" threat is there!
- I agree. That fossil fules are a short term solution. Long term, Gunnar Littmarck and I, believe that "Molten salt reactors" are a reasonable solution, probably also for people in the green movement and people caring much about security.
After we have reduced the radioactive waste, fission might be ready for use?
I agree with you Elsa. In this moment of time all should be focused on peace talks and exposing the "omniwar" on humanity, performed by satanic oligarchs.
Yes Elsa, everything has consequences, but how many really do want to understand the dangers of militarized AI, autonomous drones and "bio-electronics"?
How many are motivated to rise up, cooperate and bring peace together? - Not many.
The "established" mainstream media manure obviously serve us all manure, so the sheeple have eagerly "established" a pile of manure to govern us.
As a result we have; The pile of shit we call: "The Establishment".
- Why keep your eyes on the "established" manure?
That is only the manure we will use when planting our ecological garden, together, Elsa!
We can do so much positive and constructive things together, Elsa, and hope for explosive, or just natural exponential growth, through support from people who nolonger want to be spineless sheeple!
So we have a challenge, Elsa! I hope you will join me and be a Real Leader, and save Sweden!
Yes. It has been illusionism for a very long time, it seems. Where else did Jesus words, in Revelation 3:9, come from?
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."
- Let me give you all a nice, easy to grasp, texted page, for people who still do not understand "Safe and effective":
This leadas you to a very nice man I have interviewed and many interesting videos.
- I agree, Elsa. Full scale and unprovoked is just manure for sheeple!
Taxpayers pay for the media and they blatantly lie to us.
It's a crime and they should all be in jail for two years, for it!
Unfaithfulness towards the taxpayers!
Yes, their lies might result in massmurder once more, unless we stop them together in solidarity, Elsa!
It seems impossible to be as stupid as Pål Johnson, and others, unless they are being controlled by remote, as Psinergy, Nonvaxer420, and many documents suggest is possible on Rumble.
- The real argument for the racket, called war, is only profit for the oligarchs and their puppets.
I call the word "Putin hugger" a "control word". There are more such words, like the sectarian "denier": https://vetenskapligapartiet.wordpress.com/2019/02/25/olika-former-av-logn-del-2-kontrollord-som-du-kan-borja-skratta-at/
“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”
/ Mahatma Gandhi
Obviously, we must help the sheeple and the mind controlled, to achieve mental health, in the best way we can!
Insanely, nukes might not only be placed in Sweden, but also detonate in Sweden, because of the sheeple who voted for the warmongers, instead of peaceful politicans who cooperate broadly! Cause and effect.
It looks like there are quite many who wish to die in a nuclear war with Russia.
It's a clown world, Elsa. You just never realized it.
And yes. It is a proxy war, according to many experts.
I want to save all young men and women from the destiny of the young Ukrainians and young Russians, if I can.
Linzey Grayham seems to speak the truth.
The young people of Ukraine and Donbass are probably sitting on a gold mine, and it can become theirs TOGETHER, completely without war
Victoria Nuland worked with the CIA, tirelessly to arm and agitate the Ukrainian Nazis into starting this war.
I personally believe satanic Nazi-Zionists are behind this racket.
I believe that the way for the Ukrainians to solve the problem is a revolution against the racketeers, and a win-win peace deal, benefitting all people and making the racketeers pay!
I agree with you Elsa. War with Russia is dangerous and not beneficial for people anywhere.
Yes. Jakob Forssmed, Acko Ankarberg Johansson, Pål Jonson, and Pourmokhtari, probably adapt with greed, and willingly obey the oligarchs behind the agenda.
The greens are often very kind people. They are friends of nature and animals.
So, I believe we can help the environmental movement to realize the need for base power in an electrical grid, as well as using very safe molten salt reactors to reduce the toxicity of the current nuclear waste.
And what kind of people have elected the politicians for decades, Elsa?
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices”
/ George Orwell Source: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1402817-a-people-that-elect-corrupt-politicians-imposters-thieves-and-traitors
The control words of the oligarchy, and it puppets, rains down on anyone attempting to speak the evident truth, but that is a lovely rain, Elsa!
It is much worse to be blacked out and ignored. Please give me some attention! I feel I deserve it!
Many fall for the deadly sin of greed, and even look the other way in shortsighted cowardice, when they can see a democide clearly.
Forgive them, Elsa, because they do not know what they are doing!
I can sense true fear and concern in poor Jacob Forssmed.
Another explaination could be that poor Jacob Forssmed has been compromized, or a modern kind of Project MK Ultra, maybe through "bio-digital convergence"? I suspect it in many individuals.
Evidence and arguments do not work, and they keep voting for the politicians they complain about, or hide in drugs and secatarianism, and cannot support and vote for the logical and emotional correct solution; A broad Rainbow Coalition, for Truth, Real Democracy, and Justice.
Seems like shortsighted greed has become a state religion in Sweden, the country previously shining brightly in high morals and solidarity.
Let's hope Romina Pourmokhtari and the other right-wingers wake up soon, Elsa, but have no illusions!
We must take over 2026, together with more people of our own caliber!
Fredrik Reinfeldt is very embarrassing for the conservative party, in my opinion. To me it looks like corruption in plain sight. Who votes for corruption? - Only sheeple!
Also Annie Lööf is embarrassing for the Center Party, but also very embarrassing for people voting for them.
I think the sheeple who want to know, knows, and I believe they care for their own children, because I care for their children, Elsa. They just lack spine and are "unlucky" in chess. That is why they do not understand what is logical to do next, in order to win the game.
There are however many people who have smelled the coffee, and have woken up a bit, thanks to the Covid-19 plandemic democide, but they must cooperate more effectively and actively, or I will consider them sheeple who soon will be dead or will be cyborgs without a soul!
You never started a new political movement, Elsa, but let me give you important advice, anyway!
You have to start in very good time before the election day!
Right now would be a great moment if you do. You can also join Valsamverkanspartiet as an independent and make it big news!
That would only be you Elsa, me, and Gunnar Littmarck, at the moment.
Fritjof and Daniel has left the building, mostly focusing on computergames, snus, a cat, doing the dishes and M/S Estonia being a psyop.
You are a candle of evident truth in the Swedish parliament, and the darkness scurries off in fear when you arrive, Elsa.
If you want to love the ones who are in fear, I suggest you follow this advice and put more emotion into your rethoric:
”[Emotions] are not supplanters of reason, or even rivals in her sway; they are her handmaids, by whose ministry she is enabled to usher truth into the heart, and procure it to favorable reception. As handmaids, they are liable to be seduced by sophistry in garb of reason, and sometimes are made ignorantly to lend their aid in the introduction of falsehood.”
/ George Campbell Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion#Classical_times
- Thanks, Elsa, and same to you!
I love you compassionately.
3 Hugs Heart-to-Heart
- With "all", I assume that your good love is also for the ones in government who are afraid, compromized or mindcontrolled, as well?
I hope we can forgive them in our hearts and give them many hugs eventually, especially when they repent, even if shame and meditation in jail might be a very good lesson for them too!
- Now, The Fantastic Elsa Widding!
"Supernational organisations have taken over Sweden" Klimatkarusellen Elsa Widding
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